History: PBF started in 2009 in the Prefecture of Nana Mambéré and expanded in 2010 to 6 Prefectures. In 2016, a World Bank-financed PBF program started covering 35% of the population and around 15% was covered by an EU funded program. Current WB budget $ 54 million for three year period 2018-2021.
Coverage Estimate: 35%
Feasibility: High
Supported by: Government, World Bank, Cordaid; AEDES
Description: Cordaid with EC financing piloted until 2012 a PBF program covering 30% of the population in six health districts. The EC decided to pull out by the end of 2012 even before the evaluation had been done despite that both the old and the new governments considered PBF as part of their health system. The government, this time financially and technically supported by the World Bank, started a new phase of PBF in 2016 covering 50% of the population. Cordaid and AEDES were recruited to play the role of Contract Development and Verification Agency.
Remme, M., P.-B. Peerenboom, et al. (2012). Le Financement base sur la Performance et al Bonne Gouvernance: Lecons apprises in Republique Centrafricaine.