Category Archives: News

Report of the 94th PBF course in Cotonou December 2024

The 94th FBP International Course was held from December 2 to 14, 2024, at the Atlantic Beach Hotel in Cotonou, bringing together 14 participants from five countries.

The 14 participants of the PBF course with the facilitation team

Here is the course report (rapport).

This 94th international course demonstrates that there is still a large demand for knowledge, skills and change of attitudes training in the context of the PBF reforms. This training can be done during international courses, but also during follow up national courses at central and peripheral levels. The successes recorded with the PBF reform in several countries, particularly also testified by the participants from Mali, have made it possible to improve the quality of services and to improve the access to the health services. In addition, the motivation and retention of staff, particularly in rural and unsafe areas, have improved.

This gives hope that PBF is the essential approach to achieve Universal Health Coverage. Continue reading

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Report of the 93nd PBF course in Cotonou and announcement 95th course January

The 42 participants of the PBF course.

The 93rd international FBP course, the first course of which started in 2007, was held from April 29 to May 11, 2024, at the Atlantic Beach Hotel in Cotonou bringing together 42 participants from three countries.

Hereby the course report. (rapport)

The next PBF course in Lomé (Togo) will be organized from January 13th until the 25th 2025. Hereby the announcement (annonce).

This international course demonstrates that there is again a growing demand for skills building in international PBF and for other continuing courses organized at the national level. The successes recorded as part of the PBF reforms in the countries concerned, particularly in Mali, have made it possible to improve the quality of services and increase the main indicators of service provision. In addition, staff motivation and retention, particularly in rural areas, have improved.

This gives hope that PBF is the essential approach to achieve Universal Health Coverage.

The positive results of the PBF reforms in Mali, which correctly applies best practices and instruments, show that combining direct financial support based on performance with autonomous management of health facilities is the solution for efficient and high-quality health services, at primary, secondary and tertiary levels.

PBF is also believed to be experiencing a revival in several countries after the slowdown caused by COVID-19. This includes the potential of PBF to improve the efficiency of tertiary hospitals which often experience terrible inefficiency in the use of state resources, and which often results in an unregulated privatization through informal services provided by government health workers.

In addition, the PBF addresses the problem of shortage of qualified health personnel in remote and war-affected areas. This effectiveness of the PBF in stabilizing the health sectors (and potentially also education and other sectors) contributes to reducing social tensions. For future compulsory insurance systems, we believe that PBF could also solve the challenges of quality control, strict verification and cost control. The creation of contracting and verification agencies under the aegis of the CANAM compulsory insurance system in Mali shows good prospects. Continue reading

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Final report of the 92nd PBF course of 27 November to 9 December 2023 in Cotonou, Benin

The next 93rd PBF course will be organized in Cotonou from April 22 to May 4, 2024. Here the course announcement (annonce cours 93) and course registration form (fiche d’inscription 93)

The last 92nd international PBF course took place at Benin Atlantic Beach Hotel in Cotonou, with 32 participants from three countries. Here the final report of the course (rapport final).

The 32 participants from Mali, Guinea-Bissau and Benin

The 16 participants from Mali were the largest group, including nine from the contract, development, and verification agency (CDV) Koulikoro, three District Medical Officers, three providers and one from the University. Among the 10 participants from Guinea-Bissau, there were two from the World Bank Project Implementation Unit and eight from the Ministry of Health. Benin was represented by five persons from the accounting firm COFIMA, and one person from MSV (Médecins sans Vacances).

Thirty-two participants took the post-test, and the average score was 71%, which meant an average improvement of 25% compared to the pre-test (46%). Nine participants earned a Certificate of Distinction with a score of 90% or higher on the course post-test. In addition, we congratulate Ms. Armelle Carine GABA, who obtained 100% for the final test.

Acrobats during the closing ceremony

This course was very well evaluated by the participants with the daily and final scores higher than previous French-speaking courses. This is probably linked to the fact that the majoirty of the participants self-financed their stay. The Benin Atlantic Beach Hotel was, this time, also better prepared to receive the participants compared to previoous courses.

This course was also historic in the PBF community, because we welcomed the 3000th participant since the first course in 2007. This was Jessica Vanessa da CUNHA, the social expert from the Bank’s Project Coordination Unit World in Guinea-Bissau. Continue reading

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The report of the 91st PBF course – organised in Benin

We have organized the first standard PBF course in 2023 in Cotonou, Benin. This was an open PBF course, the 91st since 2007 and the 16th in Benin.

It was organized between the 6th and the 18th of February, 2023. There were 18 participants from Tchad (15 x), Mali (2 x) and Benin (1 x).

Hereby the report of the course rapport du cours.

This course was well rated by the participants, with daily and final scores between 8 and 20 percent higher than previous French courses. This was probably because this group had only 18 participants, which facilitated the adult learning process whereby all participants could contribute to the discussions. The Benin Atlantic Beach Hotel was this time better prepared to host the participants compared to the December 2022 course.

The next 92nd open PBF course will take place from October 30th to November 10th, 2023 in Cotonou.


Recommendations participants read on February 18 at the Closing Ceremony Continue reading

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The report of the 90th PBF course in Cotonou, Benin

We are very happy to announce that we have for the first time since 1999 organised another standard PBF course in Cotonou, Benin, which was open to any participant.

Fort Portugues

During 2021 and 2022 we organised seven PBF courses but they were only for participants from Tchad and Mali.

This course organised from 28th of November to the 10th of December, 2022 was the 90th course since 2007 and was the 15th in Benin since 2013.

Another PBF course (the 91st) was organised in February 2023.

Hereby the report of the course Rapport Finale du 90eme cours FBP de 28 nov au 10 déc 2022 Cotonou V24-12-22.


The 90th PBF course with 40 participants from six countries in Cotonou Continue reading

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